Low Dose Allergy Therapy.

LDA (short for "low dose allergens", or ultra low dose enzyme activated immunotherapy) is a method of immunotherapy/allergy therapy enhanced by a very small dose of the enzyme, beta glucuronidase.  This enzyme activates extremely small doses of various allergens and stimulates the production of T-Regulator (T Reg) cells.  These cells "switch off" helper cells that are causing patients to be ill by misidentifying normal substances in the body to be allergens. 

T-cells may live for long periods of time in the bloodstream, so LDA needs to be administered only every 2 months at first, and then less often as time passes. With low dose allergen therapy, your body learns to not respond negatively to foods, allergens etc. and over time, you will be able to enjoy going outside again or certain triggers that would previously cause inflammation without needing shots every few weeks or months.

  LDA is used to treat all types of allergy, sensitivity and intolerance to inhalants (pollens, dust, mites, dander’s, etc.), foods and chemicals.  It is used to treat such conditions as seasonal and perennial hay fever, asthma, all types of food allergy and especially to augment certain auto-immune diseases.

Who would benefit from Low Dose Allergy Therapy?

  • Those who have food or environmental allergies.

  • Those who have food sensitivity and intolerance to inhalants (pollens, dust, mites, dander’s, etc.)

  • Those who suffer from seasonal and perennial hay fever and asthma.

  • Those who suffer from auto-immune diseases.

Will I need Low Dose Allergy therapy forever?

No! You will not. The great thing about LDA is that after a few sessions, your body typically has adjusted. Each person is different so the amount of time it takes to get to that point varies, BUT you will not need to be on this for a lifetime in order to keep your allergens at bay.

Call or text 254-379-9299 to book your LDA consult today!